Prices  Model: 4593.2512, type K7RMB1K4XH03K3IP2AJ99X00V05V18  Leser  United States

Product Model: 4593.2512, type K7RMB1K4XH03K3IP2AJ99X00V05V18
Description Compact Performance safety valve
Internal code IMP4868467
Custom code 8481 40 10
Technical specification Type 459, closed spring cap, gas-tight cap H2, for vapors, gases and liquids Technical specification: Order code output, line 1: K7RMB1K4XH03K3IP2AJ99X00V05V18 Order code output, line 2: L18L44MA9MA2MA8MA6H01N68 Medium: gases gasses E-body material: 1.4404/316L 1.4404/316L Fl.Admissions: (V05) NPS 3/4" Cl 150 according to ASME B16.5 Fl.Ant-Outlet: (V18) NPS 1" Cl 150 according to ASME B16.5 Nominal width entry NPS 3/4 Nominal size outlet NPS 1 Pressure level entry 150 lbs Pressure level outlet 150 lbs d0 (ASME-DIN) [mm] 13.0 Response pressure: 2.94 Pressure unit: bar-g Response pressure [bar-g] 2.94 Response pressure in psi-g: 42.64 Cold setting pressure [bar-g] 2.94 Cold-setting pressure [psi-g] 42.64 Operating temperature: 20 Temperature unit: °C - Celsius Operating temperature [°C] 20.00 Operating temperature in °F: 68 Metallic plate/Wst.: (L44) made of material 1.4404/316L E-body/plate material: (L18) 1.4404 (316L) for temperatures lower -10°C Sealing ring material: (MB1) Graphite/1.4401 sealing ring Pressure screw material: (K7R) Pressure screw material: 1.4104 Bonnet material: (J99) spring hood material 1.0619/ WCB/ WCC Spring material (X00) standard material Color: (P2A) 1-layer coating system in RAL 5005 in accordance with LID 1608.03 Material quality certificate for: (H01) Housing — position 1 with material quality certificate 3.1 in accordance with DIN EN 10204 Delivery specification: (N68) Approval in accordance with ASME Sec. XIII for ASME VIII DIV. 1 (UV Stamp) Documentation: (H03) LESER CGA Certificate for Global Application Approval Test Certificate 3.1 in accordance with DIN EN 10204 3. Identification, position: p=3 kg/cm2g Type and position of the 3rd identification number: (M16) World Sign 1st line Outflow rate D/G: 0.81 Outflow rate F: 0.53
