Prices  6060-0561-65  BFI AUTOMATION  United States

Product 6060-0561-65
Description Special cable KW5
Internal code ONR1251337
Weight 0.15
Custom code 85444995
Technical specification 400 m drum SSL-2XH (St+C) 11Y 2xO,5AIMF 4x0.5 CO: DE/AL: N/ECCN: N/ Special 6-wire design, with one outer shield and two single-core shields Cable drum: 400m

BFI AUTOMATION - 6060-0561-65 referenced Special cable KW5 product produced by high technology.
You can provide the all references you look for in endustrial accessories in our company with our unique product range. Our company supply 6060-0561-65 referenced product fastest and securest on your request. It produced result of tests of laborotory for years. 6060-0561-65 referenced product is an original piece of your foundation or machine, original parts makes your machine live longer.

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