Givi Misure

Sales Givi Misure in United States

You can contact us if you wish to receive tender about Givi Misure brand. Products have modern technology rank as succesfully in many endustry deparments. Onrion LLC is not an authorized distributor, dealer or manufacturer of this brand. Givi Misure products fabricate in modern foundations with high technology investments.

Brand products Givi Misure

EN536 HR 01000 0528 D10 CE PP2

Incremental Rotary Encoder

EN600 HA 00250 0528 D10 CE PP6

Incremental Rotary Encoder



GVS 202S T5E 0320 05VL M0,5/S C58

Incremental Optical Scale

EN38MN HA 00500 0528 D06M01 PP C

Incremental Rotary Encoder

PBS-HR 5Z 320mm REF 20mm DX

Incremental Optical Scale

GVS200 T5E 0320 05VL M0.5/S CG1

a straight ruler for press brake

0411896 04842 04351

Position Sensor

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