Prices  GA254-HYB121168C999D6-M21N2T11  Labom  United States

Product GA254-HYB121168C999D6-M21N2T11
Internal code ONR2041597
Weight 1
Technical specification Resistance thermometer Pt 100

Labom - GA254-HYB121168C999D6-M21N2T11 referenced product produced by high technology.
GA254-HYB121168C999D6-M21N2T11 is the result of a far more developed technology compared to similar regular products. We are one of the few companies which can present an offer for this product. It produced result of tests of laborotory for years. GA254-HYB121168C999D6-M21N2T11 referenced product is an original piece of your foundation or machine, original parts makes your machine live longer.

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