Prices  G7L-2A-TUBJ-CB 24VDC  Omron  United States

Product G7L-2A-TUBJ-CB 24VDC
Internal code ONR4894591
Technical specification Relay type electromagnetic DPST-NO contact configuration Nominal coil voltage 24V DC Contact current max. 25A G7L relay series Relay version power Operating temperature -25... 60°C Assembly for front panels Outer dimensions 68.5x33.5x47mm Switching voltage max. 250V AC 303Ω coil resistance Contact rating AC @R (with ohmic load) 25A/220V AC Contact resistance 50mΩ 1.9W coil power consumption 6.35x0.8 mm connector outputs coil current 79mA

Omron - G7L-2A-TUBJ-CB 24VDC referenced product produced by high technology.
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