Prices  CVM-NRG 96-ITF-RS485-C1  Circutor  United States

BRAND Circutor
Product CVM-NRG 96-ITF-RS485-C1
Description Network analyzer
Internal code ONR1993154
Weight 1
Technical specification (Netzanalyser 4-Quadranten Messung mit beleucht. LC-Display Stromeingang x/5A, mit galvanischer Trennung Kommunikationsschnittstelle RS 485 (MODBUS-RTU) 1 Alarm/Impulsausgang (opto Transistor) Spannungseingang 520 V Ph/Ph Versorgung 230 V AC)

You can find the current prices belongs to Circutor - CVM-NRG 96-ITF-RS485-C1 coded Network analyzer product. You can provide the all references you look for in endustrial accessories in our company with our unique product range. CVM-NRG 96-ITF-RS485-C1 referenced product which is satisfy the customer's needs, offers advantages of quality and cost. It produced result of tests of laborotory for years. CVM-NRG 96-ITF-RS485-C1 referenced product is an original piece of your foundation or machine, original parts makes your machine live longer.

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