Prices  BTC-404-5-1-5-1-1-0-1-0  Brainchild  United States

BRAND Brainchild
Product BTC-404-5-1-5-1-1-0-1-0
Description Analog Controller Type: BTC-404
Internal code ONR4062057
Technical specification Analog Controller Type: BTC-404 -5 power Input: 20-32 VDC/VAC -1 signal Input: Type J Thermocouple -5 Range: 0°C...+400°C -1 Control Mode: On-Off -1 Output I: Relay, rated 5 A/240VAC resistive load -0 Output II: None -1 Alarm: Deviation alarm relay output, rated 2A/240VAC max. resistive load -0 Communication: None Art.Nr.0001951

Brainchild - BTC-404-5-1-5-1-1-0-1-0 referenced Analog Controller Type: BTC-404 product produced by high technology.
BTC-404-5-1-5-1-1-0-1-0 became irreplaceable of foundations. BTC-404-5-1-5-1-1-0-1-0 referenced product which is satisfy the customer's needs, offers advantages of quality and cost. It produced result of tests of laborotory for years. Make an offer to us for BTC-404-5-1-5-1-1-0-1-0 please contact us.

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