Bailey & Mackey

Sales Bailey & Mackey in United States

Provision of Bailey & Mackey products can implement by our company. We will make sure to provide you with the lowest price and shortest delivery time for original and high quality products. Bailey & Mackey products, produce properly for customer's necessities, can bu used easily even if in the hardest situations. We offer you a large order possiblity with our suitable supply coorperatives and supplying way.

Brand products Bailey & Mackey


Differential pressure switch

20939 003, TYPE: 118

Pressure Switch

Type 1391 (0,5-10 BAR)



Ceramic Pressure Transducer

Type T443T

Digital Panel Meter


Needle Adaptor

Type 14 (0.15 to 1bar)

Pressure Switch

108P (36115 004)

Pressure switch

2382 / 21E2870 004

Replacement units for pressure switch

16D3328 121

pressure switch


Pressure switch

108 / T9067 044

pressure switch

PN: 1381P


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