Prices  Art.No. 104601, Type: 227.55-12,5  Riegler  United States

BRAND Riegler
Product Art.No. 104601, Type: 227.55-12,5
Internal code ONR2331914
Weight 1
Technical specification Vollhub-Sicherheitsventil DN 10, Messing, Betriebstemp. -25 °C bis 180 °C, G 1/2, SW 27, Ansprechdruck 12,5 bar, baumustergeprüft

Riegler - Art.No. 104601, Type: 227.55-12,5 referenced product produced by high technology.
Art.No. 104601, Type: 227.55-12,5 became irreplaceable of foundations. Our company supply Art.No. 104601, Type: 227.55-12,5 referenced product fastest and securest on your request. It produced result of tests of laborotory for years. Art.No. 104601, Type: 227.55-12,5 referenced product is an original piece of your foundation or machine, original parts makes your machine live longer.

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